Hier findest Du einen Auszug aus unserem Repertoire aktueller Pop Songs und Evergreens. Je nach Veranstaltung und Gästeliste passen wir unsere Setliste an Deine individuellen Wünsche an.
Ray Charles - Hit the road Jack
Elvis Presley - Blues Suede Shoes & Hound Dogg
Prince - Kiss
Daft Punk - Get Lucky
Pharell Williams - Happy
Robin Thieke - Blurred Lines
Tim Bendzko - Welt retten
Milow - Ayo Technology & You don´t know
Uncle Cracker - Follow Me
Temptations - My Girl
Patrick Swayze - She´s like the wind
Ini Kamoze - Hotstepper
Lady Gaga - Pokerface
David Guetta - Sexy Bitch
Robie Williams - Let me entertain you
Sting - English men in New York & Deser Rose
Aloe Blacc - I need a dollar
Michael Jackson - Bilie Jean & The way you make me Feel
Bruno Mars - Looked out of heaven & Just the way you are
Amy Winehouse - Valeria
Jesse Jay - Pricetag
Jason Mraz - I´m Yours
Falco - Amadeus
Helene Fischer - Atemlos
Beegies - Stay´n alive
Shaggy - Angel
Ben E. King - Stand by me
Bob Marley - Stir it up
Beach Boys - Surfin USA
Sunrise Avenue - Farytail gone bad
Gypsy Kings - Bamboleo & Ciento
Los Lobos - La Bamba
Los del rio - Macarena
Enrique Iglesias - Hero
Whitney Houston - I wanna dance with somebody
Ben Lóncle - Seven nation Army
Kings of Leon - Use somebody & Sex is on fire
Modjo - Lady
….und viele mehr!
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